Bellevue Neighbors Portal

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About Bellevue Gardens

The Bellevue Gardens neighborhood rests on the foothills of Read Mountain at the intersection of Shadwell Drive and Old Mountain Road.

The area is steeped with history, including a once lush orchard, farm land, ruins of the 18th century Black Horse Tavern and the former Bellevue Hotel.

About this website

This website was concieved as a solution to the previous neighborhood email contact method that was maintained as a neighborhood watch mailing list. The list became a main source of neighbor-to-neighbor contact and often included communication that was not related to the neighborhood watch.

To enhance the functionality and encourage more open communication between our neighbors, we have created this site, which includes general information on this page, as well as an event calendar and a neighbors forum.

We hope you like what we're doing and encourage feedback by email.

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